We, or our service providers, may use cookies (temporary text files that are placed on your computer) on the website www.service2fruit.com (the “Website”). You will find more information about the use of cookies by Service2Fruit B.V. below.

1. Why do we use cookies?

Web pages do not have memories. A visitor surfing from page to page on a website is always seen by the web server as a new visitor. Cookies ensure that a website continues to recognise your browser.

2. How are cookies used?

We use browser information, including cookies, to gather technical and statistical data. A cookie is a small (temporary) text file that is sent to your browser and stored there. Cookies enable us to collect technical and statistical data from your visit to the Website via the internet. If you wish, you can allow or prevent the use of cookies by changing the settings of your browser. Cookies make the Website faster and easier to use, because your IP address is immediately recognised the next time you visit it.

We use different cookies for different purposes. Below is an overview of the type of cookies that we use and the related purposes.

  1. Technical cookies, to be able to offer the Website and enable them to function, to open an account, to log in and to detect fraud on your account.
  2. Functional cookies, to remember your preferences, to send references to the auctions and to keep you logged in.
  3. Analysis cookies, to have insight into how our visitors use (parts of) our Website so that we can improve the Website.

3. How long do cookies remain active?

The Website uses session cookies and permanent cookies. Most cookies are session cookies. This means that they are automatically removed from your computer when you terminate your session (so when you log out or close your web browser). Permanent cookies have different lifespans, varying from a few hours to a few days or months. You can delete your permanent cookies at all times via your browser settings.

4. Do we use third-party cookies?

Yes, cookies can be placed on the Website by third parties. This concerns analysis cookies. Third parties may not place cookies on the Website without our consent. Third parties who place cookies on the Website for analysis purposes include:

  • Google Analytics: we use the statistics of Google Analytics to improve our Website. Examples of information that we maintain via Google Analytics:
    • a. The pages that are often opened
    • b. How long it takes before a page is opened
  • Pusher: for real-time updates of offers we use www.pusher.com. Pusher registers the browser you use.

5. What do I do when I do not want to use certain cookies?

You can indicate via your browser settings (e.g. Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Mozilla or Chrome) whether to accept cookies and, if so, which cookies you wish to accept. It varies per browser where these settings are located. You can find the exact location and procedure through the 'help’ function of your browser.

Take into account that if you refuse certain cookies, you may not be able to use some functions on our Website. You can also activate the 'do not track' function in your browser.

6. Are all the cookies doing the same thing?

There are differences between cookies. A distinction can be made between function, term and the party that places the cookie.


  • A technical cookie is strictly necessary to enable a website and certain functions on a website to technically function for visitors. This could concern access to protected or secured parts of a website. Without this type of cookie, some services, such as logging in, will not function.
  • An analysis cookie collects information about how a visitor uses a website. For example, which page is visited the most and where error messages occur. The purpose of this type of cookie is to give the website provider an insight into the way the website functions and how the provider can improve the website. This cookie also contributes to ease of use for visitors.
  • A functional cookie remembers the choices that a visitor makes, such as a desired user name, currency, language or region. That way, a user does not have to re-enter preferences or what suits him. That is how a functional cookie contributes to ease of use for visitors.


  • A session cookie is stored on the visitor’s computer and collects data as long as the visitor actually consults the website. When you close your browser, the cookie is deleted.
  • A persistent or permanent cookie is installed on the visitor’s computer for a set period of time.


  • A direct cookie (first-party cookie) is a cookie that is linked to the website that the visitor is currently visiting. This could be a cookie of company X when you visit www.companyx.com or related subdomains (login.companyx.com).
  • A third-party cookie is a cookie that is placed by a party other than the provider of the website visited. This concerns, for example, (external) providers of applications, whose application is integrated in the website visited.

7. Changes

We reserve the right to make changes to this Cookie Statement. We recommend that you consult this Cookie Statement regularly so that you are aware of these changes.
